Thursday, October 22, 2015

Paragraph Analysis

In this post I will be examining my body paragraphs for how well the tackles 5 different things as given by A Student's Guide. After doing so I will also be discussing what I learned about my writing and paragraph style.
Kim, Johnathan, "Writing" uploaded 26 March 2007 via, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic
After going over my paragraphs I realized two things. The first is that I need to be better at organizing my paragraphs internally. When I write them, I tend to just throw my words onto the paper in hopes that they will become coherent thoughts; however, I tend to create a confusing argument that jumps around a lot within paragraphs. The second thing I learned was that I need to develop my main point more for each paragraph. This most likely includes adding more evidence and having more analysis of that evidence to create a coherent, effective argument that will convey the main point and how that relates back to the main thesis.

Here is a link to my paragraph analysis

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