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Saragat935, "1. Introdcution" uploaded 15 Dec. 2011 via deviantart.com. Attribution Noncommercial No Derivative Works 3.0 liscense. |
Dating back to Aristotle, science was conducted not as it is today but more of a philosophical debate leading to many misleading theories and wrong assumptions. That still goes on today somewhat when people try to mix one field with another producing an incorrect and misleading theory. To Matthew Francis, such ideas like this and others where scientist from one field try to talk about problems in another should be taken on very cautiously. In his article, “Quantum and Consciousness Often Mean Nonsense” Francis uses various rhetorical strategies to attack these cross disciplinary studies. Although Francis does use some logical strategies to convey his argument that cross disciplinary research should be done with caution, they hinder rather than help his argument while his use of his character, such as his expertise and use of outside information, is what propels the article forward to convey his message to his rather educated audience. Francis also tries to disguise his ethical argument as a logical argument through means of stating facts with no back up to said claim.
Physics has many uses in fields from biology and chemistry all the way down to sociology. In the article, "Quantum and Consciousness Often Mean Nonsense" by Matthew Francis, Francis uses various rhetorical strategies in relation to the rhetorical situation to convey to his educated audience that cross-disciplinary research should be done with caution. This paper will examine how the author uses these strategies to convey his argument by deconstructing his strategies and in turn showing how to become more aware of how to construct an argument in the field of physics.
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